There's a big show down in the town, circus and zoo combined Horses there with two legs in front and some with three legs behind When Lady Godiva rode round she was mobbed She showed us too much 'cause her hair had been bobbed At Bunkum's Travelling Show you ought to go some time Such wonderful freaks Mr. Bunkum has got His wife I declare is the worst of the lot Walk up, hurry along, walk up with your dough The bearded lady wanders about To see her beard you'd say without doubt She'd swallowed a horse and left the tail hanging out Down at Bunkum's Travelling Show At Bunkum's Travelling Show you ought to go some time To see the snake charmer I paid one and four She commenced charming me, that cost half a quid more Walk up, hurry along, walk up with your dough The tattooed lady shows to her friends A tattooed rainbow downwards it bends I've seen where it starts, I'm going to see where it ends Down at Bunkum's Travelling Show At Bunkum's Travelling Show you ought to go down there A girl in a trance so peacefully sleeps She was hit with a brick and she's in it for keeps Walk up, hurry along, walk with your dough The giantess, a woman of might Married Tom Thumb and she hooked him all right And he hasn't been seen since his honeymoon night Down at Bunkum's Travelling Show