Now I'm a jack-of-all-trades, as busy as a bee Should anything need fixing, just get in touch with me If your water cisterns frozen, or the babys face turns blue Ring me on the telephone, cos I know what to do They call me Andy, George Andy, Andy the handy man My job is dandy, dandy, I do the best I can I'm always at your service, you may depend And don't forget it's never too late to mend As an artist I draw faces, my profiles are divine But when it comes to figures, thats where I'm not so fine A girl told me last night, I didn't know where to "draw the line" Oh, it comes in handy being a handy man Now in the park one morning, a bulldog I did see I fairly stood and shivered when it came and sniffed at me I didn't even move when it mistook me for a tree Oh, it comes in handy being a handy man They call me Andy, George Andy, Andy the handy man My job is dandy, dandy, I do the best I can I'm always at your service, you may depend And dont forget its never too late to mend A baby once was christened, the parson said "well, well" He isn't like his mother or his father you can tell Who does the child remind you of? And the choir began to yell "Oh, it comes in handy being a handy man" A girl gave me a gold watch, I said "it's rather light It's got no works inside it, now surely thats not right" She said "now dont you worry, I'll give you the works tonight" Oh, it comes in handy being a handy man Additional couplet I went to mend a bath once, imagine my surprise When the outline of a female inside the bath I spies I thought I'd better make quite sure, but the soap got in my eyes Oh, it comes in handy being a handy man