Geof Bullock

This Kingdom

Geof Bullock

Tom: Em

 G     F#/D                       Em
 Jesus,    God's righteousness revealed
Bm          C               G/B
 The Son of Man, the Son of God
   Em         Am7    Dsus4   D
 His Kingdom comes
 Em7       D              C   Am7
 Jesus, redemption's sacrifice
       G/B             C
 Now glorified, now justified
  Am          D     C/D     Bm/D
 His Kingdom comes

     G                    D/F#
 And this Kingdom will know no end
           Em                    Bm/D
 And it's Glory shall know no bounds
          C   D/C      G/B
 For the majesty and power
          A7/C#              Dsus4  D
 Of this Kingdom's King has come.
 And this Kingdoms reign
 And this Kingdoms rule
            Em               Bm/D   C  G/B
 And this kingdoms power and authority

 C  G/D  Em       Am7       Dsus4  D     G       Cm/G
 Je-sus,   God's righteousness        revealed.

[Verse 2]
  G    D/F#                  Em
 Jesus, the expression of God's love
 Bm           C              G/B     Em
 The grace of God the word of God
  F       Dsus4   D
 Revealed to us
  Em7       D              C
 Jesus, God's holiness displayed
  G/B             C
 Now glorified, now justified
  Am          D     C/D     Bm/D
 His Kingdom Comes.

[Chorus 2]
     G#                    D#
 And this Kingdom will know no end
           Fm                    Cm
 And it's Glory shall know no bounds
          C#   D#         G#
 For the majesty and power
          A#                 D#
 Of this Kingdom's King has come.____
 And this Kingdoms reign
 And this Kingdoms rule
            Fm               Cm      C#  G#
 And this kingdoms power and authority

 C#  G#     Fm       A#m        D#             G#       C#m
 Je-sus,   God's righteousness        revealed.