Bobbing up and down on an endless sea Overtaken by a storm no one to rescue me Lightning strikes at broad daylight we're left to die here all alone Dancing fireballs in the sky there's no escape from the dangerzone No wreckage No oil slick Swallowed by the sea No survivors No dead A scientific mystery There really is no turning back Take your final breath You've passed the point of no return You're inside the triangle of death Triangle of death Flying through the air just another routine flight A hidden danger's near bringing a sudden fright Compasses are going mad above the Vixed Bermooths No one will live to tell will live to tell the truth Deserted ships Falling planes Swallowed by the sea Talking birds Screaming devils A scientific mystery There really is no turning back Take your final breath You've passed the point of no return You're inside the triangle of death Mayday...mayday...mayday... What's your position over... Make your position clear... We're off course... We're lost... The ocean's changed... Cyclone...Storm... Mayday...mayday... Looking at the sky realising what life's worth The concealed deadly trap causing this hell on earth Knowing now the end is near falling into vertigo A revenge from above always afraid of the unknown No wreckage No oil slick Swallowed by the sea No survivors No dead A scientific mystery There really is no turning back Take your final breath You've passed the point of no return You're inside the triangle of death Triangle of death