Don't you wish that you could be secure Don't you wish that you could know for sure But don't you know that not knowing is half of the fun Take your son up to the mountain top Go ahead now give me everything you got Don't you know that not knowing will rise up the sun When I trust in you, you give me everything When I trust in you, you give it to me all When I trust in you, you take away my weaknesses Because I am with you my friend secure You're hang gliding off the edge of a cliff Your body's shaking and your legs are stiff Don't you know where you're going Life's just begun Daddy, Daddy take this cup from me You know it's not the one I want to see But don't you know I'll be singing your will be done When I trust... Be secure (4x) Stars and tears are falling all around carry my burden carry this treasure I found don't you know I will find you a place in the sun Don't you wish that you could be secure.