Gemma co-wrote the track 'Angel Rays' for the films soundtrack. She does not sing the version on the soundtrack CD, it is performed by Sissel However,Gemma does sing the song over the credits in the actual movie. The time we lost, you've held your cross No tears did your eyes tell The time you lost, no matter what the cost Your strength it saw you through But time will heal what your heart conceals And this I know too well The road you've known that takes you home Is waiting strong and true For this child of mine She'll forever shine Angel Rays watch over you But time will heal what your heart conceals And this I know too well The road you've known that takes you home Is waiting strong and true For this child of mine She'll forever shine Angel Rays watch over you For this child of mine She'll forever shine Angel Rays watch over you Angel Rays Angel Rays Angels Rays Angels Rays Watch over you Angel Rays