I'm the first in line, a wellknown face, a V.I.P. in everyplace My goal's set high to feel alright, get even more drink than last night At the fucking bar the floor I hit, don't need no chair, I'm too drunk to sit A girl comes asking me to dance, "Of course not, whore, so kiss my ass" The bartender refused me more to drink So I hit him on the nose, cause his bar stinks I try to leave but I just can't find the door They throw me out to an all-night pen store In to the store, proud of myself, with empty pockets and drunk as hell I bounce between the food and stoof, convinced I'm still not drunk enough A six-pack beer and a porno-mag is what I need in my shopping bag The paper of a six-pack is my royal crown I'm the one who's thron out from every bar in town King of the Sidewalk Back in the streetlight, stolen brew in my hand I behave like a asshole, a horrible man Loud and unpleasant, always the worst A king of bad manners, proud of my thirst Bought or homemade boose, don't really mind Cause you're still able to drink even if you're blind To see double or nothing is what I choose As long as I can feel the taste of booze Totally gone I sleep somewhere'til dawn Don't know where I've been, I wake up on someone's lawn I find yesterday's dinner all over my chest On my leatherjacket and on my blue jeans-vest