


Forced into the darkened woods 
Fear has come over me 
Whispering voices warn me that I am not alone 
Silently follow the path 
A breaking branch warns me again, 
Now I realize the pain that is withheld for me 

Hallucinations, everything fades 
What�s real, what�s just a hologram 
A hologram of nothing 
Silent screams pierced right true my veins 
The eyes on my back, feel like claws ripping of my rotting flesh 

Here they come 
Uncontrollable, without remorse 
Death is becoming certain 
To take me away 
Slowly and painfully 


Nowhere to run, I stand still 
Waiting for them 
a cold nocturnal wind sets place 
predicting their arrival 

I look into those dark eyes, 
and feel only the will to end this miserable life 
They look at me