Gatti Vision

Suburbian Sabbath

Gatti Vision

Early Sunday morning at a quarter past 4 
Wayne-O cruises 'round by the liquor store 
Taking pictures of the winos when they fall out the door 
Send them to the mayor and begin the war 
Wayne-O, you're the hero of the town! 

Every Sunday morning at a quarter to 9 
Richie Dick is picking up nickels and dimes 
On the sidewalk, the junior scouts stand in a line 
While their leader gives a lecture on how to fight crime 
Dick, you've got to kick out all the shines! 

Every Sunday evening at a quarter to 10 
Gumper sniffs a whiff of General Tso's Chicken 
"Ooo, those gooks across the street, well they're at it again!" 
"I'm gonna firebomb that neon sign as soon as I can!" 
Gumper, Bible-thumper 'til the end!