Gatti Vision

Klebold Blues

Gatti Vision

I wake up in the morning at a quarter to 6AM 
I know what fun awaits for me and them, ahem 
Itll be the same old drama that I see everyday 
Though this time, things will be different, I say, I stand a 

Lone on the top of the world looking round and round 
No ones there, but the sounds that I hear in the air 
They reappear every year 
Sounds of laughter, cries, tears, and fears, even 

Standing at the top of this sphere, I will still say, after 
All these years, after all of these days 
Did anything change? No, its the same old 
Drama, everyday 

Freaks will be freaks, they pick on the weak 
Though the freaks arent those with the rainbow streaks 
In their hair, no no no no, not at all 
The freaks are the bitches that you see at the mall 

Where they gossip and shop, these freaks are the sluts who 
Only take johns that are Aryan and tall 
Come home from the mall, and then they watch the OC 
Its drama passing as reality, I am so 

Horny, I wanna fuck the guy on the OC 
Whos an outcast in society 
Though like, Oh my God!, when a weirdo comes my way 
Ill brand him a stalker, then Ill shoo him away 

Though hey, Mr. Weirdos got so many problems 
But what can I say?, Seth Cothens got problems, and I would 
Fuck him today, whaddya say? 
Call me a hypocrite, hey hey hey hey hey hey 


Hey punk! Dont think you escaped my critiques 
In fact, youre just as bad as those freaks 
I mentioned above, you say Love the dove, 
End the war, but kill the conformist! 

Anarchy! Yay! Youre a prep, youre gay! 
Fuck President Bush I say, I love Che 
Even though I have no clue who he is 
I dress all in black because I am in misery 

A proud non-con is what I am 
Along with all of my non-con friends 
They dress in black and hate Bush as well 
Oh thats swell!, we also rebel against 

Right-wing media, rap, MTV, 
Hey look, Green Days on, saying Fuck Bush! just like me! 
A non-con stands for nothing at all 
Anti-church, anti-state, anti-big, anti-small 

Im a sub-urban whiteboy, I am so poor! 
I live in a home that is not worth more than 2 million 
Everyday I chill like a villain 
In my brand-new Mustang, look at that thang! 

And when I cruise in my ride, my speakers blare rap 
To the mall, and buy all of this FUBU crap 
For my feet, I got Tims, on my head, twist my cap 
To show everyone I am poor and black 

On the inside, even though Ive never been outside 
Of this bubble-town, so Im goin down 
To the ghetto, the land of Tupac and Nas 
I get a hard-on when Ems on, I know its because 

Im lovin this scene, Its ON you see! 
Drugs! Guns! Hos! Parties! Makin money! 
Perhaps an African-American family 
Can adopt me, I think thats the way it should be 

Athletes, athletes, elites, elites, are the 
Athletes, girls and guys, jocks, jockettes, whatever 
They can fly on the field, on the track 
Here there and everywhere, there and back 

Black and blue, is it true that they cant eat 
Risk defeat if they eat sweets before they compete 
So instead they break bread in a basement with weed 
And drink beer while the cheerleaders tend to their needs 

Hunky hulks if you ask me, I rule over sleaze 
In the sea of humanity, I do as I please, 
Just a shot in the ass and this weight is a breeze 
I come home, chug a beer, Becky get on your knees! 

In this age, all the rage is the roids, and the boys 
Look like toys, oh what poise!, after taking these roids 
Freaky girls making noise cause they want to enjoy 
Aryan boys, sexy toys, hoy ahoy hoy ahoy 

I be a pirate sailing this sleazy sea 
Of humanity, heeheehee, I deal with elites 
They claimed they shouldnt be in this sea with the sleaze 
But I disagree, now their balls look like peas 
And they cant even swim cause they got two bad knees 
They scream, Please let me onboard!, but I letem freeze 

Pseudo-intellectuals taking APs 
Liberal students who cant take high Bs, mostly 
Jewish or Asian: Indian, Chinese 
Arab, Korean, Vietnamese, sorry 

Did I offend you?, then crucify me 
Use superior logic and force me to flee 
To the hills, writing rhymes you find so un-PC 
As you march with the band and you learn chemistry 

You are mentally ill, please do not talk to me 
You will ruin my dream of Yale University 
Republican swine, simple mind, unlike me because 
I can create my own reality from what I 

See on TV and I read in the library 
Gotta study for that SAT, cause if I 
Get a B, I will cry, stick a needle in my eye 
Let it bleed until I die, all the others wonder why 

I study so hard, why I try and freak out like Im gonna die 
Because Im better than the pack!, Im back on track!, I put this crap back back backinmy 
Back pack, tick tack, clickety clack, goes the train 
Back on the fast track to Harvard, dont you 

Talk back, dumb sack, I look down on you 
Cause I am a scholar and youre just a foo 
Ill go to an Ivy League University 
And get my degree to improve my reality 

Youre probably wondering why I say 
That everything will be different today 
Youve witnessed Round 1, Ive fired the gun 
And youll know the truth by the time I am done 

When I came to this school, I was a fool 
I tried to be cool, but I drowned in the pool 
I was washed up, left for dead, chopped in pieces, foamed and bled 
Re-emerged, rose from bed, gathered strength and forged ahead 

(with whispers of hes Krimpy, hes Krimpy, hes Krimpy) 
I still hear the laughter, the cries, the tears 
Alone I stand here and I cover my ears 
My fellow classmates, hear me clear, I havent 
Asked for acceptance once in all of these years 

I fell for the sluts and the bitches and hoes 
They called me a stalker, instead they chose 
The Aryan males who drank and smoked grass 
And look, they got raped in they stupid ass! 

I was cast as a fatass, my dreams faded fast 
Heres a blast from my past, a pain in your ass! 
I hate your ass, Ill rip your ass apart, eat your heart 
Destroy this whole class, wont give no one a pass 

Cause you propelled me here, in our final year 
My lines of rhyme have instilled fear 
In the hearts and minds of many peers 
While others cheer my pioneer-ing 

(with background vocals Krimpys just a man") 
Ideas, captured in these lines of ink 
Telling others of what I think 
Of how I was pushed to the brink 
Of giving up, to slowly sink 

You looked down on me? Now I look down on you! 
You tried to take everything from me, who knew 
That in a couple of years, Id earn it back, plus change 
Now Im rescuing all those youve labeled as strange 

I am coming down now!, like I always say 
Same drama, same BULLSHIT, everyday!