New Society Immersed in grief, ashamed of the race. "A victim of the system, another golder for the-" Fuel the fired. The people cling to mercy. "We must take back our streets, no more archaic justice." They'll live in fear, each on an animal This is the most effective way to make them suffer for my pain. They scream like men but still in vain. This is not for real. A new society, there is no faith theres only need To further suffer for this pain in my- I am the truth, a slight manipulation. "There is no time to think. There's people dying as we-" Speak in tongues. Feed their feeble terror. You wont regret this, gentlemen. This nation will be greater." Gain their trust, then seize all control. I'll make them suffer for this pain burning in my veins. They scream like beasts, as I lay blame. No, this is not for real.