Check the inside of your boots After you rise from rest. There might be something poisonous there A-building itself a nest. If you don't check, you'll never know. It'll sink its sting right in your naked toe, And there you go. Check the inside of your bag Before you lay down at night. There might be something creeping there With venom in its bite. If you don't check, you'll never know. It'll sink its teeth right in your naked toe, And there you go. If you don't check, you'll never know. It'll sink its teeth right in your naked toe, And there you go. Check the inside of your sock Before you put it on. There might be something lurking there That won't remember when you're gone. If you don't check, you'll never know. It'll sink its teeth right in your naked toe, And there you go. At night, the sand is cold as snow, And vermin need someplace to call their own. This much is known. If you don't check, you'll never know. It'll sink its teeth right in your naked toe, And there you go. Check the inside of your boots After you rise from rest. There might be something poisonous there A-building itself a nest. If you don't check, you'll never know. It'll sink its sting right in your naked toe, And there you go. At night, the sand is cold as snow, And vermin need someplace to call their own. This much is known. If you don't check, you'll never know. It'll sink its teeth right in your naked toe, And there you go.