Tom: E E Oh great [Verse] B7 E Granddaddy walked a-long the street with a ball and chain a-round his feet and B7 E That's the way they'd like to see me walk just to give the toffs a chance to talk yeah and the [Chorus] A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town oh the [Verse] B7 E Beer's gone up in the public bar and I can't afford a motor car but I B7 E Keep six bottles in the fridge and I pay no toll on the harbour bridge yeah and the [Chorus] A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town oh there's [Verse] B7 E Rubbish on the T V screens too many nines on the poker machines so for B7 E Entertainment I go for Aust-ralian songs at the Troupedour and the E Chevron Hilton yeah and the [Chorus] A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town oh if you [Verse] B7 E Want to see one hell of a fuss take a peak hour ride on a government bus well it B7 E Doesn't matter if you're sick or dying you mustn't get off before the sit down sign yeah and the [Chorus] A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town now if you're [Verse] B7 E Having trouble learning guitar I've found the easiest method by far just B7 E Sit at home all alone and learn to play the saxophone B7 No strings at-tached yeah and the [Chorus] A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town oh have you [Verse] B7 E Heard about Oz magazine con-victed on a charge of being obscene seems B7 E You're not allowed to satirise if you tell the truth they call it lies tell a B7 E Few home truths on the Palm Beach scene it's not sedition it's just unclean and the [Chorus] A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney E Out of breath oh they [Verse] B7 E All throw heads when I bank tails and I got no dough to bank on the Wales but B7 E I'll get a job that'll suit me fine on the Eastern Suburbs railway line yeah and the [Chorus] A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town E Seems like we lost the har-monica player there somewhere oh the [Verse] B7 E Funniest woman I ever had made me happy then made me sad she B7 E Swore our love would never end then went and married my ex best friend yeah and the CHORUS: (with harmonica) A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney E There he is isn't he lovely oh I [Verse] B7 E Went to the cross to get some sex the woman said sorry I don't take cheques I said B7 E That's all right as I closed my book truth is I only came to look and the [Chorus] A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town oh they [Verse] B7 E Asked me on a T V show to sing a song the viewers would know I re- B7 E hearsed where have all the flowers gone they said cut a verse it's a bit too long I ex- B7 E plained the song had a message to tell they said we've got a new toilet tissue to sell but the [Chorus] A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town oh [Verse] B7 E Late last night the phone wouldn't stop it was Mister Menzies calling me up he said B7 E My friend Gary what do we need to make the country grow I said my friend Bob the Mavis Bramston show E Les Miller's ban-jo E Patter-son's ban-jo E A coca cola yo-yo E Rin-so to keep Australia white E Marlboro filter flavour flip top box oh what do we E Need to make the country grow the man said B7 Try ferti-lising thistles yeah and the [Chorus] A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town now you [Verse] B7 E Ask me why I'm drunk all the time makes me better and eases my mind B7 E I just sit and I play and sing I see better days and I do better things E I win the Opera House in a lottery E Go skin diving for pir-anha E Throw Ayres rock E Vote D L P E Become mana-ging director of C B S re-cords E And sell one co-py of this re-cord yeah and the [Chorus] A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town oh the [Chorus] A E B7 E More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town the A E B7 E(#9) Em11 E* More they try to keep me down the better I live in Sydney town