Gardens Of Gehenna


Gardens Of Gehenna

When angels draw the pentagram 
and satan says the rosary, 
when the gates of hell are frozen 
and heaven burns eternally. 

when day and night become a union 
become a single ,gloomy tone, 
when all of your thoughts wear mourning, 
it is november - nebelmond. 

It is the time when witches dance, 
behind the burning clouds the demons wait 
to change your wishes into curses 
and all is mould and all's decay. 

The summer left, the autumn died 
and snow's white shrouds will cover soon 
the earth and all that now is rotting, 
nebelmond - pale misty moon. 

Your inner self wants to break free 
but it is trapped, no chance to leave; 
now panic spreads its gory wings, 
you're drowned in sorrow, pain and grief. 

Grey and damp the world is fading 
behind a haze of frozen tears, 
the angels draw the pentagram, 
nebelmond - time of fear.