Because I can see nothing but the shattered glass of hope blackened by the fires of the decisive night carribean music relive in a dream the myth in the street with torn up pavements where the blood of the hot heads hides Dub sound at twelve waiting for poems to be sung like riot hymns in the worker's tongues Mentes que van como locomotores como los recuerdos de un poeta aclamados en una estacion de metro Vioces bellow in prison pictures in museum square long-leggend hisses beat out the time in the time a skank shouted repeated "october" was more than an obstacole it was an event the sound system of the roots runs along the tracks to the throne of the west empire Dub sound at twelve waiting for poems to be sung like riot hymns in the worker's tongues Sangre vibrante de R 'n 'R pepenadores de suenos hey man, no pierdas el ultimo tren del deseo '77 ojos Ilénos dè futuro ojos inquietos durenos solo de su proprio destino social ojos de amor desde los muros ojos rebeldes silenciosos y olvidados que dejan miradas profundas en la historia ojos para no olvidar In the east of the empire a stone and steel silence drowns the rebels ideas and mummifies the idol accomplice october seventeen yellowed postcards from the front nothing else! Now the time of the law kills love songs written by the soul but the gangs in the suburbs among the staves screwed by the swing of blues keep on shouting don't turn your back of history Tiempo infame de dinero tiempo de trabajo sucio tiempo rico de sorpresas.