Foretold are hidden words Etched in stone, names still fade Mournful rhyme singing out Having no understanding of what they say For one so old There’s no grief or shame He wept afresh, and rode towards the storm Through the gloom, I raised my eyes and saw The pale face of the wizard Pray tell, fearful question Tell of all farther and what he would have me do? To suffer these warnings Had fallen with him I’ve seen the dead line up, and curse his name So he found a doom And he lay as the dead Once the great enchanter of time Slowly his anger died Arise from the sleepless night A burden so heavy, he couldn’t breathe Those who tried, tried and failed For them, now sunlight has fled Beacon of sorrow To carry their names In quiet words that form no truth or bond Things pass, and time lost its way Dust suspended in silent still air Behold story of dreadfulness Knowledge can do such awful things to a mind For one so old There’s no grief or shame He wept afresh, and rode towards the storm