You make me feel so alive It’s 5 o’clock in the morning, a new day is dawning Been on the road for what seems like eternity Good times are calling and we’re all still smiling Now we’re fully focused, almost ready to roll The lights go down As we hear no sound Open the doors Feel that rush You make us feel so alive You make us feel so alive The caffeine in kicking in, we are up and away now Everything at last is in its place It’s time to hit the floor with all guns blazing You’re going to be amazing we’re sure You make us laugh You make us cry You make us feel So damn high You make us feel so alive You make us feel like we could fly You make us feel so alive You are the Sun in our sky You make us feel so warm inside Never had a feeling like this before It’s making us feel like we want so much more Feeling the love like never before You make us feel so alive You make us feel like we could fly You make us feel so alive You are the Sun in our sky