Come all ye young maidens, come all ye old sods Bring your pimply faced boyfriends and glowering dads Bring your brothers and sisters and grandparents too Your lunatic aunty and drunk uncle lou There'll be bonfires from kalaloch to portland tonight To celebrate summer and sing out the light All come all come - all come along We'll strike up a quick tune to call out the boys One to hike up your skirts to and make lots of noise We'll play out a waltz to encourage romance And we'll make it a slow one so the old folks can dance All come all come - all come along Starch up your linens or come without clothes For no matter what covers we'll dance in our bones Come, timid young virgins and old libertines For it's mid-summers eve and we've come here to dream All come all come - all come along Leave off your prayin' and leave off your hate For there are none of us sinners and none of saints We'll feast and we'll dance and we'll stay up too late And if the reaper comes knockin' he'll just have to wait! All come all come - all come along There'll be bonfires from kalaloch to portland tonight…