Gaia Consort

Peace Now

Gaia Consort

Once a very long long time ago
But beyond the time of kings
Lived a dragon who became a beast
And grew too heavy for it's wings

He threatened fire and death to all
He threatened many things
So the townfolk brought from all around
All the wealth that they could bring

But some of them we're curious and they said"what is it for?"
And when they'd brought him all they had his answer was "bring more"
And "by the way i'll need your sons and daughters for the coming war."

Somebody said
"hey now, hey hey now - why not a little peace now
Hey now, hey right now we need a little peace now
Peace now, right now - why not a little peace now?"

Came a woman from the closest town to the cave in which he lived
And at the entrance laid her body down singing "i shall not be moved"
And she said "i'll not co-operate, i will feed your cause no more
No matter what you do to me, i'll not feed your filthy war"

And he snorted, and he snarled, and bared his teeth with rage
And with his massive talons well he crushed her like an egg
And he roared at their defiance shouting "more i said!"

In a seeming moment of insanity, another took her place in line
Saying "you can do the same to me, but no more will we comply."
And another and another joined til a hundred thousand stood behind
There were so many people (saying no / at the cave) he could'nt hurt them if he tried

He saw determination and he saw and he saw that it was true
That with the whole world watching there was nothing he could do
So he slunk back in his cave awhile to wait for maybe me or you…

And he's still there waiting, still there waiting
For our silence, for our agreement, for a time when he doesn't hear…

Somebody said
"hey now, hey hey now - why not a little peace now
Hey now, hey right now we need a little peace now
Peace now, right now - why not a little peace now?"