Flash of the breast on the big screen, but no penetration or spark Cut the claw from the tiger, de-fang the cobra so we can feel safe in the dark Big money makes the decisions, big money owns all the gods And i can't help but laugh at the puzzled expression when i say i won't give to the cause. Is it any wonder that our spirits cry - is it wonder something inside us dies, When we sanitize every sacred thing? Paved over meadows for strip malls, or misguided notions of bliss And i point to the universe shaking their shoulders, saying "how can you need more than this?" Five thousand years of repression, five thousand years of the lie And i can't help but hoping as i'm watching the changes, that maybe we're watching it die Maybe a storm cloud is coming or maybe it's just a soft rain And i don't have the answers but every bone in my body is laughing or crying or screaming for change! Is it any wonder that our spirits cry Is it wonder - when we sanitize Every sacred thing