A health to the mothers of the merry begotten A health to the maiden with the firey eyes A health to the crone that smiles beside us On the other side of a beltane fire A health to the sweet rain gently falling Down upon the earth so fair A health to the wind that gails around us And feeds the passion of a beltane fire A health to the lovley green-eyed susan She whose heart is my desire And after all the may pole's rising… Will you leap with me now o'er a beltane fire? Alternate verse A health to the acts of love and pleasure A health to the way the may poles rise A health to those who bear no children So those who do come along survive! Copyright 2000 christopher bingham Eo! the maiden and the horned one Eo! the call to spill the seed Eo! the stirring of the cauldron Eo evohe! Eo! the green man ever present Eo! the raven in the wood Eo! the kisses ripe for tasting Eo evohe! Eo! the rising of the sleepers Eo! to hear the pipe at dawn Eo! the quickening is here Eo evohe! Eo! the sweet rain gently falling Eo! the seed deep in the earth Eo! i hear my lovers calling Eo evohe! Eo! the lusty summer coming Eo! the green leaf in the bud Eo! the wild sap is running Eo evohe! Eo! the musky piper playing Eo! the one who calls the dance Eo! the howling earth is saying Eo evohe!