A sparkling light Becoming the Sun of foretime As never seen before Dazzling out In full force Heralds proclaiming silence Crawling to extinction Impinging agony Without memory Kadupul flower Queen of the night We are just one A closed portal A gate to unknown desires Trapping me more than life Ebon shadows Lucid lines under the brush of the ignorant It's more than a dream and more than a man It's the made-up canvas behind the glass The childish chant The comforting smell Thy heaven on earth The shelter for the needy A tunnel for the weak Thrill and faint Holding the pass to the fall Staggering beneath the labyrinth Holding his hands In fervorous anxiety Disillusioned, we conjure our hope To dance at the rhythm of the puppeteer While a high-pitched shout Seduces my illusion Consolation beneath The whipping massacre