My head is filled with distant thunder, For I no longer sleep, I just lay there and wonder. My head is filled with facts like... ?? For I can not relive my days. Don't know why I love you, Cos I seem to forget to know How much I love you But it's more than a little bit. But I can't make you happy, And you can't make me care. So let's go to our seperate rooms, And leave each other there. Reflecting on the times we bicker, The words come from our mouthes were bitter Emotions fell from in the air Inseperable but well beyond repair Don't know why I love you, Cos i seem to forget to know How much I love you But it's more than a little bit. But I can't make you happy, And you can't make me care. So let's go to our seperate rooms, And leave each other there. Don't know why... I can never make you happy Don't know why... You can never make me care (repeat)