If I lived in France I’d look at lights again and again I would sit on a bench With a book in my hands To learn how to speak a very good french I’d walk around the block I’d go to Champs- Elysees And have a café That seems so clichê but that’s not Listening to Edith Piaf Inside the Louvre In company of worlds biggest minds I’d go see the Notre Dame I’d buy a Channel eau de Parfum And Moulin Rouge I’d be so amused and.... La tour Eiffel, L’amour, L’amour La tour Eiffel, L’amour , L’amour La tour Eiffel, L’amour, Lamour La tour Eiffel, L’amor, L’amour Un, deux, trois, let’s have a fois gras To dine in this place that’s France And I have never been But that’s a place to be seen If I lived in France I’d sing this song All over again Only if I lived in France If I lived in France I’d sing this song All over again Only if I lived in France...