Perishes i can hear my brain What has happened That will be born in the months Wrong? Or was not registered? This is my sign O, pound, pound, me deich Deich pound me, is shook Libra station Could even hear my echo And that day, promised to be good Spoke to my pain would My loneliness would end Because i would find love Finally happened to me Just did not happen O, pound, pound, me deich Deich pound me, ishook Libra station But everything went so complicated In all i was regected And was finished in season She took an unknon O, i did not hear the echo of my Heart Echo, is just an echo Echo did not I believe I waited, i felt Now i do not know Monts that i was born Echo that? i have to listen Almost gave me a gadget Libra station, station Libra station, station Pound me deich, kissed me Me deich, in station She deich me, alone On libra station Alone, in libra station Station Station Station She know Of station