Gabriel Vendramini

Lighthouse Theme

Gabriel Vendramini

After years of sailing
I start to lose my conscience
I’m starving and thirsty
We don’t know where we are going to
Or even if we’ll ever get to somewhere

As we decided to stand strong
Trying not to give up at any cost
We keep on sailing
For days, weeks, months
Nothing but water
Nothing but looted spaces

We continue heading north, even though our compasses are broken
All of sudden, I see at the distance a flash blinking light
I try to clear my mind to make sure this ain’t an illusion
It can’t be, or it can?

The light that shines on you
Will guide your way to the lighthouse
You have to trust there’s something more

You must believe there’s hope
Until you reach the lighthouse
You can’t give up so go for all

Still not near but ain’t that far
We’re paddling as strong as we can
Our faith starts to build up again
While we invest on this shiny sign of hope

We’re getting near
We see the shape of a tower, a lighthouse
The land starts growing in our view
We’re close now and our boat is about to hit the sand

After countless days of sailing
We finally got to our destination
We start to climb up the stairs of this lighthouse
Until we find the place was completely wasted and empty
It’s time to hit the ocean again

The light that shines on you
Will guide your way to the lighthouse
You have to trust there’s something more

You must believe there’s hope
Until you reach the lighthouse
You can’t give up so go for all