Imagine now the two of us As the saviours of this cruel and dirty world Southpaw and Ms. Ginger goes out on a date They’ll surely have a good time The apocalypse is everywhere Please kindly accept this shotgun, I’ll pick up my knife We’re hunting all the undead, that’s what we got The plans for tonight Oh we’re so ready to fight Blasting heads in million pieces Shredding human flesh Saving the world is so much fun When I ride with you Mankind’s gone we’re all that’s left At least that’s what we see, that’s what we get So maybe we could stop right here And dance a little more Bashing hordes with hand grenades Tearing buildings down Saving the world is so much fun When I ride with you We still got a few seconds left but the album is gone Oh, maybe and just maybe Southpaw and Ms Ginger, they have saved the world Who knows? Mankind’s gone, man There wasn’t much left to do For now, let’s just hope for the asteroid to come It may save us, so Goodbye