Gabriel Malta

The Ballad Of Electric Daydreams

Gabriel Malta

Since I can remember all this trouble seems so pretty
I can't exactly realize the point it all became so twisted
And I can feel that something calls my name
But I step again on the wrong side of the tracks

I've ben tired of all thesed folks around
With the usual downtown sickness
Writing down cheap poetry pretending
Life is just an easy solving mess
The apocalyptic gentle way
She waves goodbye it tastes just like
Solide concrete against my pretty face

As the caos peaks in I can't find no release
And I just sing then like a nightingale
The screaming virgins sound out
And it splits all over the town like a mistake
I was born to carry around my back
Nothing really ever changes around there

Desde que eu cheguei estava tudo tão mudado
Vi o céu bater na pedra lisa e suja do asfalto
Mas confesso que já me acostumei
A andar aonde o céu não se faz chão

Mentiras doces como mel respingam dos teus finos lábios
Mas prefiro andar sozinho ruminando o velho gosto amargo
Que um dia ainda vai me acostumar
A me acostumar, a me acostumar

As the caos peaks in I can't find no release
And I just sing then like a nightingale
The screaming virgins sounds out
And splits it all over the town like a mistake
I was born to carry around my back
Nothing really changes around there