The porches on the side streets All remind him of those nights A sky, black sky Chased off the roofs of fancy hotels Where they gave fake names, ghost names Then they’d slink back to bars for drink And reverie and they’d sing, how they’d sing Oh, it’s been a long time, such a very long time Oh, it’s been a long time, such a very long time He dares himself to walk down To the cemetery walls alone There in the graveyard are granite stones Bearing broken names, ghost names And a cheap cross that’s wrapped in plastic Stopping the rain that falls, how it falls! Oh, it’s been a long time, such a very long time Oh, it’s been a long time, such a very long time He spent the night in the shade Of lindens rotten underground, but soft And though he scares himself bad He stays until the first morning light The long walk home In the dead of dawn No breeze, cloudless sky There by the door He sees some children dancing In the street for joy, and he smiles And they’d sing, how they’d sing Oh, it’s been a long time, such a very long time Oh, it’s been a long time, such a very long time And now it’s gone away The thinking keeps him Up all through the night He writes it down A song, ghost song