This time, I'm listening on the radio The explosion, even on speakers Rattles my ribcage. There are screams Chaotic shouts, voices I think I know Or maybe I don’t, and then silence This is the new Age of Anxiety If I am a camera, I see three starfish in the bed All of us dreaming, one of us too young Too have learned to dream in red Jump cut to a wide shot of the sky Three hundred million fists clenched tight All these months I’ve slept With a pencil tied onto my finger Thinking that it might help me sleep But instead I find I'm left With these photographs that only linger After I write down what I’ve seen After the silence, a change of scene. I'm In some kind of safe house, having my Head shaved, being trained as an assassin I think these images must spring From the vault of action movies I have stockpiled on sleepless nights, on Transatlantic flights over the ocean For tours, a relic of an earlier age When we sat in airport lounges drinking Scotch Eating pretzels, watching cable news Oblivious to the mess that I was making for you