The gods of the right-hand path With their talks of charity Has slendered and attacked His infernal majesty Death to those weaklings Rot in livid stench Listen to this battle hymn My swords of grim revenge Book of Belial Prince of hell north Lust and destruction Satan's power chord Crosses are inverted Parchment filled with hate Black candles left Crimes of war are made Challenge of ecstasy Sacramental wine Forces of the darkness Who's name I giveth a sign Great brothers of the night Who dwelled in devils fame Vomit ????? Your pestilence wrath Into its puny brain Silence is the voiceless bird That feeds upon the brain Of him who had tormented me Sustaining screeds of pain I called upon the messengers To slash with grim delight This victim I have chosen With powers of the night Listen to these words of wrath Hate your enemies Each word is a tongue of fire The flames from hell burn fears The gods of the unjust are dead For those of us who know A new light is born Come and learn the law