Neptunian Elves We are free and clearly sober With so many toys to build The machines are kind of tricky Probably someone will be killed But we gladly work for nothing Fry Which is good because we don't intend to pay Neptunian Elves The elves are back to work today Hooray! We have just a couple hours To make several billion gifts And the labor isn't easy Leela Then you'll all work triple shifts You can make the job go quicker If you turn up the controls to super speed Neptunian Elves It's back to work on Xmas eve Hooray. Leela And though your cold and tired and ugly Your pride will mask the pain Fry Let my happy smile warm your hearts Neptunian Elf Theres a toy lodged in my brain We are getting awfully tired And we can't work any faster And we're very very sorry Bender Why you selfish little bastards! Do you want the kids to think That santas just a crummy empty handed jerk! Then shut your yaps and back to work! Now it's very nearly Xmas And we done the best we could Fry These toy soldiers are poorly painted Leela And their made from inferior wood Bender I should give you all a beating But i really have to fly Robot Santa If I weren't stuck here frozen I'd harpoon you in the eye Neptunian Elves Now it's back into our tenements To drown ourselves in rye Leela You did the best you could i guess And some of these gorillas are OK All Hooray! (we're adequate!) The elves have rescued Xmas day Hooray!