My harp gliding shadows like a ghost ship Most roads lead home, mine leads me forth Carried by the sound of the Ocean My strings will sing with the waves Waves of hope and tunes of light Echo through my waterstrings Away from the world of men The voice of the unknown is calling for me I will be lost in the deep blue infinity Most roads leads home, mine leads me forth Carried by the sound of the Ocean My string will sing with the waves Waves of hope and tunes of light Echo through my waterstrings From unknown lands to the west To the great northern lights Away and far I have travelled And seen the starriest skies But my journey never ends Carried by the sound of the Ocean My strings will sing with the waves Waves of hope and tunes of light Echo through my waterstrings As my soul becomes one with the spirits of the sea I will sing it through my waterstrings I become one with the primordial flow My voice will be the sound of the waves As the rhythm of waves sound through my waterstrings I become one with the primordial flow