A thousand dawns and thousand dusks I've seen A thousand tales of Pagan Gods I've lived A cross they brought from afar Nothing but a symbol It seems like a swarm is devouring the Sun A pale emblem of the past Whitering in a grass- covered stone You heathen, dammation is for you In your own lie you're a sinner Flames of hell await for you If still in the forest you seek elderly gods I disown forced rules and holy writings All of your beliefs, I deny I will refuse an imposed faith, always Rebel I remain, faithful only tom myself From the desert other gods have come An imposed faith That I do not understand That I do not comprehend The end descended bringing famine and plague Our wasted deities, the hollow that they leave Can't be replaced With this flesh and blood Another dawn we'll see Another kind of life we're going to live Your grave our cradle, your loss our heritage Usurpers You'll be cursed for all times We'll build a cage to enslave you Until the edge of eternety The northern winds will blow as razors in your flesh The glacial breath of our land Will take what belongs to us Under the baying of the hounds The wild hunt has just begun In storming flames all the new world will burn The silent gates of Annwn are open Unknown spirits from night primeval Sailing the river of the air Rebel I've been and now a myth I am My deeds have remained in stories to tell I'm the one who foretold the return of Arawn The seeds of consciousness are ready ti arise