Don't wanna stand out from the crowd I see around me everyday Why should I make a choice when it's already made for me? Don't really care what's going on with the world I see outside I'm just caught up in the the movie running here from 9-5 CHORUS: I wear the clothes, I cut my hair It's in style, so I don't care I wanna be whoever you are Mall culture superstar I live in a world created just for me Constructed carefully by faces no one will ever see My every move was planned many months before I came into this artificial world where we are one and the same CHORUS 2: With a bullet I'm Number One Delete bin, here I come I wanna be whoever you are Mall culture superstar I can sing your songs before a note is written down I can hum your latest hit before it even hits my town I never think about what the lyrics say I leave it in the happy hands of Sony, Time and MCA Mall culture superstar