"You're doin' it fuckin' wrong!" CHORUS 1: (A kick in the ass A slap in the face A knife in the back for the minimum wage) Well, today I got a government cheque Am I gonna get drunk? Oh yeah, you bet! Gonna paint the town red till my money's all spent then blame it on the government I quit my job. Why? Cuz it stunk but I still get a cheque twice a month I sit around on my ass and I get paid by the working class CHORUS 2: Well, I worked for years, but it didn't pay A kick in the ass, a slap in the face They showed me the door when I asked for a raise "Did you like your job?" Nobody does. "Well, why'd you quit?" Well, because I don't need a job. What the heck? Canada Post will bring my cheque And with every bottle that I drink I sit and I think and I think and I think about the people to whom I owe my keep [CHORUS 1 over top of:] Well, today I got a government cheque Am I gonna get drunk? Oh yeah, you bet Gonna paint the town red till my money's all spent