Tom: A E A D A round and round and here we go again, u say u want to be more than just my friend but baybe that’s not just up to you for something like that it takes two u take a hold of my hand in front of everybody to make it look like we’re in love but once again that’s not for u to decide u gotta wait to see if I want u by my side D A E A sometimes its seems uve looked forever never finding the one uve been dreamin of but when u find that special person u’ll know in ur heart that it must be love E A D A today I realized that ur the one for me u don’t know how I feel cuz its not easy to see but I’ll make u wait until u figure out that ur the one that I spend my days thinking about lately we don’t talk, we just smile at eachother while my heart beats faster all the while sometimes u’d swear that we were in love but that’s because ur the one ive been dreamin of D A E A