[Elsa] You know, there’s a recipe to making a proper snowman [Anna] Really? [Elsa] Uh-huh! [Elsa] A little bit of you, a little bit of me A part that loves to dream [Anna] A part that swings from a tree A little like me, a little like you [Elsa] A part that’s nice [Anna] A part that’s naughty too [Both] A loyal friend who is there no matter what A big round belly [Anna] And a big bouncy butt! [Both] He’ll love warm hugs and the bright sunlight [Anna] And he’ll really love the summer [Elsa] But he’ll melt! [Anna] Yeah, you’re right Oh! So we’ll build him back together [Elsa] Yes, together, that’s the key [Both] ‘Cause he’s a little bit of you and me [Elsa] Okay, time for bed! [Anna] What? No! Time for more magic, please and thank you! [Elsa] Anna, you know I'm not supposed to even be doing this! [Anna] But your magic is the most beautiful, wonderful, perfectful thing in the whole wide world! [Elsa] Do you really think so? [Anna] Yes! So do it, please, before I burst from inside to outside! [Elsa] Okay, okay, don’t burst! [Anna] Whoa! [Elsa] A little bit of you, a little bit of me [Anna] You do the magic and I get to see [Elsa] A little bit of fun [Anna] A little bit of fun in the middle of the night [Elsa] A little bit of magic and it all takes flight [Elsa] La la la lala lalala la la [Anna] This is so amazing! More more more! [Elsa] A little bit of you! [Anna] Magic! Magic! Do it, elsa, do it more! [Elsa] A little bit of me [Anna] Me me me me me me me Little bit of you, little bit of me! Yippee! (Screams) [Elsa] Anna!