Somber thy mantle falleth upon flesh mine that shudders still as thine ashen orb doth maim my soul for within thy gaze saneness ebbs away awashed with fear mortals layeth when thy oozing darkness plumets inside vapours profound that feeble eyes dare not meet horrid specters lurketh yet thy hallowed words shall not deter for malign creatures breatheth anew in murky ripples intertwined whenever night's dismay oncemore ensconces thy brittle psyches grinning and proud I standeth aslant for I am king amongst you thralls paragon of nocturnal ire I shall rise to daunt thy world to dispell all things pure and fair yet these tartarean hands in thy folly beleiveth gone to evanesce and ware when daylight parts the night under the grip of terror shalt thou fathom at last faustian spirits dreadeth not the streams of phoebus