"Sometimes we have thoughts that are so frightening 
we can't even admit to ourselves that we have them." 
"Did I torment you, did I perhaps even kill your loved ones? Yes you did." 

Control of power 
Strangles the mind 
Collapse of the system 
Destruction begins 
From within 

Mutilated by sound 
Signalling all the senses 
Out of mind 
Out of soul 
The trauma begins 

A story never told 
From the past 
A show remains 
Conspiracy aided 
Toxic shock 

They all lie in a trance 
Those idealistic fools 
Bent on crutches 
All of them bleed 
In their tracks 
They never look back 

Christ, Christ, Christ 
What have they done to me? 
Christ, Christ, Christ 
What have they done to me? 

"Wait for me you maniac, I don't know whats going on" 

Buried machines 
Connecting the unseen 
Information warfare 
Aggression and betrayal 
Radiation codes 
Psycho-nerve warfare