As the first jolt of electricity was sent through his body A ghastly column of smoke that rose from her head Break with me We, we, we collapse Its, its over Hanging from above You, you, you, wake up screaming! You, you, you, eat us all! Borrow children with Annihilate ??? The closer you come, The closer you see, The faster I switch off, Seeing you. I switch off, Seeing you. Annihilate, Annihilate ?? Overkill We collapse Mediate Digital oppression My soul is burning You, kill ?? in your ?? When she was given more electricity A ghastly column of smoke that rose from her head When it appeared that she had recieved enough electricity to kill an ordinary person...the doctors went over and pulled down the cheap prison.... We'll, conceive a trial ?? resist ?? Through you Lie and ?? Lie, ready to follow Lie, ready to kill ?? Shot right through I switch off I switch off I annihilate I collapse I overkill I manipulate I celebrate I excuse I frustrate I overkill You wake up screaming When it appeared that she had recieved enough electricity... kill an ordinary person As the first jolt of electricity was sent through his body