Living in colour, living in colour I can see the paint on your toes Living in colour, living Even in the blackout, I know I am floating, I, I am floating With my eyes closed with no sails I am soaking, I, I am weathered By the winter of mixed drinks Am I dancing am am I nervous Simply spinning in my own grave You were asking, you, you were asking And with two steps, I'm saved Living in colour, living in colour I can see the paint on your toes Living in colour, living Even in the blackout, I know Weeks gone by, I was weak I was paler than a pine box that holds bones She poked the iris, then she pierced a hole And watched the colour rush forth Modern [[Madonna]], who held my head in Warm hands with pink nails Mark my mouth Whisper that the sickness will go away Living in colour, living in colour I can see the paint on your toes Living in colour, living Even in the blackout, I know Living in colour, living in colour I can see the paint on your toes Living in colour, living Even as I blackout, I know And though I dreamt with a rapid eye By day I hope to rapidly die And have my organs laid on ice Wait for somebody that would treat them right And as the night started swallowing You put the blood to my blue lips Forced the life through still veins Filled my heart with red again Living in colour, living in colour I can see the paint on your toes Living in colour, living Even in the blackout, I know Living in colour, living in colour I can see the paint on your toes Living in colour, living Even as I blackout, I know Living in colour, living in colour I can see the paint on your toes Living in colour Even as I blackout, I know