When I think it's great, You say I'm forgetting stegosaurus. When I think the sun is bright, "Now you forgot Betelgeuse." When I say I love you, You look accordingly skeptical. The correct term would be "fucked up" And it precedes procreation. When I say, "I'm a golden ball, I want to roll away from you all" Number 79 out of me, shining, go on in Latin: Shining dawn, Shining dawn Golden ball, Chainless roll You speak in science (your science) And you dress up in knowledge (your knowledge) You've got facts and numbers and theory alone To cover everything on earth and far beyond. It is with latter unease and tremendous nervousness that I notice That no longer can I live happily with you. Due to these here circumstances I have found it necessary and appropriate to say goodbye to you. Bye bye, Scientific you. Bye bye, Scientific you. Bye bye, Scientific you. Bye bye, Scientific you.