These times can bring me down But you lift me up, yeah you you lift me up These times can bring me down But you lift me up, yeah you you lift me up You know Scare politics, lost love and thrills Always too fucking broke to pay these bills No directions, late growing pains Teenager whores popping pills on the train These people always bring me down But you lift me up, yeah you lift me up These people always bring me down But you lift me up, yeah you lift me up You know All the fascist fathers and their fascist boys Mothers and the daughters without a voice Money leaders, slaves for the royal blue Girls who think what would miss bradshaw do You know it's not the end So lift your head You know it's not the end So lift your head You know it's not the end So lift your head You know it's not the end So lift your head You know it's not the end So lift your head You know it's not the end