That night there was no solution And even now looking from so far away I still can see no real solution Like we're still living on that day For me no day defined before and after Like that one did so decisively And every new day instead of healing Makes me look back more painfully On my night alone I threw my life down the toilet I tore my medals off my chest I swore that this would be death On my night alone Did my tongue wag too much before? Could a few words have sealed our fate? No forgiveness allowed or forgiveness given I said no to love and yes to hate Some attempted praises I subtly botched Outstretched hands did I ignore Wrapped in a self-made coccoon of sorrows Thinking of all that went on before On my night alone I threw my life down the toilet I tore my medals off my chest I swore that this would be death On my night alone Satan stood by my side Took me for a hellish ride I lit candles to my pride That day stayed with me for months Guided my every word and move Laughed inside at all the wreckage And I knew that we were doomed With washed hands I watched The events that sealed our fate Til I saw what I'd really done And then it was too late On my night alone I threw my life down the toilet I tore my medals off my chest I swore that this would be death On my night alone Satan stood by my side Took me for a hellish ride I lit candles to my pride