Every song I've written Every attempt to dissect Of what's all around me My heart still can't make sense As I'm hit with the reality Dead child behind K-Mart Years ago I could have pushed the button But that makes me one more part Used to carry signs Propagating my beliefs But only in my mind Was there any relief Battle is one on one 24-7 time I am one of a priesthood Life is more than a rhyme And the imbecile factory churns on And the imbecile factory churns on And the imbecile factory churns on And the imbecile factory churns on Load up my ark as I fly above I am imperfect but no pillar of salt I can see the fire rain down it is not for me I tried to warn the fools but they would not see Eternal survival walk the golden streets alone Reading the names on uncountable tombstones The fellowship I once enjoyed has left me betrayed I hand them all to Satan so they may have their way And the imbecile factory churns on And the imbecile factory churns on And the imbecile factory Imbecile factory Imbecile factory Churns on