spoken you know they say, in every men's life there comes a time when he get stroke by the arrow of cupid, by the love of God, or a booty of woman, sometimes this love brings thunder to your life and it brings the storm, sing about it, There's more to love than this, love is more than just a kiss, will we take u to that step, or we do more than just connect, and will u bring a thunder in my life and a fire in my eyes cause then there will be days of pleasure way everything follow'll be so near I have never feelt thunder (thunder) and lighting (lightining) like this I have never been stroke by (stroke by) or wonder (or wonder) like this There are days where i can't stop talking about you There days I can't stop saying your name And I am looking for ways never to part from you have everything changed and you still stay the same I've never seen, there's never been anything of beauty of you I've never seen, there's never been anything of beauty of you I've never seen, there's never been anything of beauty of you I've never seen, there's never been anything of beauty of you rap?? .. Days that we share are like treasures, treasure like fire is to mankind, my hands will try to carry you to heaven but since i've seen you, you've brought heaven to my mind, I've never seen, there's never been anything of beauty of you I've never seen, there's never been anything of beauty of you I've never seen, there's never been anything of beauty of you I've never seen, there's never been anything of beauty of you