[Professor 1]
Frankenstein, we find your ideas shocking, dangerous
And an affront to all that is moral and decent

[Professor 2]
It’s insanity! Only a fool or a heretic would dare trifle
With life and death as you propose

[Professor 3]
Your obsession with discredited charlatans
And their dubious science is pure folly

[Professor 4]
The university will not stand for these outlandish
And unauthorized experiments of yours

[Professor 5]
It is complete madness!

It is madness, folly, insanity

[Professor 1]
The dead have nothing to say to you

[Condemned man]
I curse the day that I was born
Into a world so black with hate
I'll glady leave this life of scorn
And seek my peace before the light of heaven's gate
I have my sins like any man
But none more dark than yours
If it is I you choose to damn
Innocent blood will stain your hands forever more

For crimes against the people

Your kind has no place but the grave

The magistrate of ingolstadt hereby sentences you

Not even a soul that can be saved

To be hanged by the neck until dead

Soon you will know eternal pain

This sixteenth day of September, seventeen, hundred and

Your kind has no place but the grave

[Condemned man]
What's wrong? What's right?

Not even a soul that can be saved

[Condemned man]
Does man decide?

Soon you will know eternal pan

[Condemned man]
Who dares to act as God?

A man would dare to act as God!

Another soul
Another light
Another flame extinguished
One moment here, and then it's gone
A heart is beating, then is done
The difference barely is distinguished

[The ancient riddle]
What then is life?
What is it's fleeting essence?
The greatest minds have sought the key
That could unlock this mystery
And I alone possess it

What I have found was thought impossible
And only spoken of in fear
If I show them the impossible
Create a life
Then all must hear!

Let God's will be done

The gauntlet waits
It calls to me

[Condemned man]
What's wrong? What's right?

Crying destiny's demands

Make him pay!

[Condemned man]
Does man decide?

The very fate of all mankind

Finish what's begun!

Rests in this mind

[Condemned man]
Who dares to act as God?

And in these hands

Upon this judgement day

[Condemned man]
Oh my creator
Claim me now
Grant to me this nightmare's end
And if no man shall mourn for me
I'll trust in you

Who will tend to the remains?
I say
Who claims this body?!

I do