Oh, every time i pass you i'm Inclined to look away I don't know why, but some day I will turn my head and say Excuse me miss, but this glove is It the one that you've just dropped And you'll reply by saying "of course?br> or in as many words "get lost?p> i've never been successful I mean with girls of my own age They like the food and the wines i choose But after that i'm afraid That in the art of making love I'm really so naive it's not true I usually pretend i'm too tired And then fall asleep as proof And by the sound of things It looks as though i'm doomed To spend the rest of my life living in one room Dreaming of how one cold and windy night quite cooly Sophia loren seduced me My name is john, i'm twenty one I drive a ford cortina estate If you'd care to join me in my room I'll show you my license plate