Refute the delusion! Convictions of obscurity; Eclipsed accretion – Seeds Esotery, the truth within the cordons; Tenebrous smudge defiles edict! Accordance with imposed vassalage, Damnations of denied access, Plague of discrepancies, cause tainted subsistence; Breeding abomination! Fomenting foul repugnance! Devour! Defy – imperatives! Seditions of apathy denounce aberrations! Effigies of cryptic liaisons, concealed by the mask – Defacing substance of insinuations triggering contentions… Deceased are futile truths, festered and debased – A drudge for purporting in vain… Tyranny of a sickening decree! অIভন্তরীনের প্রলয় - নিলীন শুন্যে ব্যর্থ সত্যের সন্ধান! [Abhontoreener proloy - nileen shunye byartho shotter shondhan!] Nominates beguile their credits; Afflictions of Arcane Regime – the search for reality, lost in truths that beguile! Accordance with imposed vassalage, Damnations of denied access, Plague of discrepancies, cause tainted subsistence; Breeding abomination! Fomenting foul repugnance! Devour! Defy – imperatives! Seditions of apathy denounce aberrations! Effigies of cryptic liaisons, concealed by the mask – Defacing substance of insinuations triggering contentions… Deceased are futile truths, festered and debased – A drudge for purporting in vain… “When theology erodes and organization crumbles, when the institutional framework of religion begins to break up, the search for a direct experience which people can feel facilitates the rise of cults.” Rise! Effacing the Esotery! Dregs of deception, Through bouts of endurance craving for remission; But no brace of mercy commanded reprisal; Cohorts of denial exalted aversion… …Dying conscience – the pawn of coercion. Illicit concealed nexus- vile equivocation dictates! অনস্বীকার্য বাস্তবের সমন - ধ্বংস, বিধ্ধস্ত হোক অসত্যের এই আচ্ছাদন! [Onoshikarjo bastober shomon – dhongsho, bidhosto hok oshotyer ei achchadon!] With surge of annulment – the Untruth abates within! What gospels of truth ‘they’ preach? What doctrines do ‘elites’ breed? Tear down the debarring facades! Shun verity which dwells in confined Delphic knowledge - Impeding mass accession, fearing breach of harness! Desecrate ligatures: overthrow dim enslavement! Decimate vain dictum: inquisition divulges atrocious treachery! Design (the frailty of an incumbent system): Is prone to the throes of extortion… Discordance: The diction aborting grim bias, The spawn of Nihilist Faction!